Thursday, January 17, 2008

An Ode to Raymond Carver

Why should the devil get the blues, the hot jazz Saturday nite?
Why does American pork, beef and chicken get the spice?
the pepper, jerk, chilles, salty gravy and the garnish?
Why not the cucumber, onion, carrot and the rutabaga
get the tang, whizz, the lip-smack flavah?

Why should the devil get the blues, the hot jazz Saturday nite?
Why not like in India where the cucumber, cocunut, and celery
get the masala, curry, tumeric, cardamon and the briyani?
Why here the vegeterian sensually dances with heaven and earth
the smooth cheese masala spice on tongue, needs no forth?

1 comment:

Joel said...

You're right, I do like it.