Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Bleary eyed, two nights spent on a plane, sitting in a Starbucks in Amman with women in Burkas walking through, they like Popeyes here? Flew over Israel with the land seeming to be like bronze... The air is the first thing we notice in India...essence of diesel, fruity, fresh cut grass mixed with something burning. The mist lay thick around the plane, smog actually. People coming up close to you, as bright as the colors they wear, pushing us gently on the backs to get into the quieu, just being polite. Big smiles greet us, hands close on ours, rush to show us that we know you through others, through grace.
Controlled chaos on the roads. Little three-wheeled auto-rickshaws, buzzing like chainsaws weave between cars that weave between eachother and all weave between relaxed rusty bicycles and trance like pedestrians carrying bundles. The cacophony is mesmerizing.
The silence of a bed interspersed with the cackle of a dot matrix printer nearby and a dog in the alley. Sleep with the punctuation of a mosquito.


Robb said...

Glad to hear you guys made it!

swyn613 said...

yay! i'm looking forward to many updates :)

Unknown said...

beautifully written and oh so vivid. Happy to hear you arrived safe and open-eyed. The mountains of Peru said hello to you both.

SimonandEsther said...

Thanks for sharing impressions, smells, sights...We journey with you in spirit. I journey through the smells and sights of sixteenth century London, the poor and plaguy bodies lying in the streets, the trumpet and the bell calling rich and poor alike to stage and sermon. What a beautiful contrast your beginning in India is. I am hungry for more! We send love.